The Advantages of Aquaponics Farming

The Advantages of Aquaponics Farming

Article by M Wilson

It is a relatively new technique for farming, but the advantages of aquaponics farming over traditional farming are quickly catching the attention of backyard gardeners and commercial farmers. With traditional farming, the focus is placed on growing plants and supplying the plants with everything they need to grow vegetables. With aquaponics, fish are added into the system and they are put to work to supply the plants with the nutrients that the plants need. At the same time the fish get benefits from the plants in the form of clean water.

This creates a symbiotic environment that is a blend between hydroponics and aquaculture. Blending these two systems creates a more complete system that closely mimics nature. Here are some of the many advantages this kind of system has over traditional agriculture.

You will have the ability to provide yourself with fresh organic vegetables whenever you want them. When you are ready to prepare a meal, simply go out to your aquaponic garden and harvest it. Not from a can or the refrigerator, but fresh off the plant.

You will also have a steady supply of fresh fish. Fish are a very healthy source of protein and when you grow them yourself, you will know they will be clean and organic. You can catch your fish as soon as you are ready to cook them. Where else would you be able to get fish that fresh? Not from the market or the freezer.

An aquaponics system is amazingly simple to put into use. The systems are very easy to assemble, since there is nothing really complicated about them. A lot of food can be grown in a small amount of space with aquaponics so you don”t need much space. This opens up many locations that you could put it where a traditional garden would not be practical. And then later it can even be moved to a new location, even while the plants are growing! Try doing that with a traditional garden.

Aquaponic farming has great financial benefits. Not only are you getting fresh organic food, it also costs very little to produce it. After the initial investment for the system, your food can be grown for very little money. It is a great feeling to know you are no longer dependent on the market for much, or even all of your food.

Aquaponics gardening is less work for you than traditional farming. No bending, tilling, dirty hands and clothes. Weed pulling, fertilising and maintenance is minimal or non existent. Since we are mimicking nature, instead of working against it, the system mostly takes care of itself. This makes this an ideal system for people with busy lives or people who aren’t patient enough for traditional farming.

The advantages to aquaponics are many. This is why this form of farming is growing so quickly. The quality fresh food will be great for your health and your bank account. It can also be very enjoyable to watch your own food grow and know you will have a constant supply of quality organic food.

Get a complete aquaponics how to guide and learn everything you will need to know to get your aquaponics system up and running.

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Advantages of Aquaponics Farming

Tagged with: Advantages • Aquaponics • Farming

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